Just arrived in Castilblanco de los Arroyos to start a two-month residency. I’ve settled, started making some sketches and set up the studio. This month I’ll be living with an young intern from Finland/Argentina and a Mexican artist. The language of communication in the house is Spanish so this is an excellent opportunity to practice all that Spanish I learned during my two years in Argentina.
At the moment I’m thinking a lot about what they are calling the “climate crisis”. Too little too late, but better sooner than never. Anyways I’m grateful to see the international momentum building and will use my time at the residency to draw a little fun, humour and light onto the subject.
This painting is based on a plastic cup I found in the house that was full of little odd and ends. Plastic, wax, rubber and metal. Little odds of left over consumer junk that every house has hidden in a drawer or a cut somewhere. I poured the objects out onto the table. Marveling at the fluorescent colours, textures, waste and promise of each item. As I was thinking it was very crow like to collect these small treasures so I sketched out a few birds to frame the work. In my bird book it happened that the bird opposite the local Rabilargo (who visits the garden here) was a crow. The ideas generating this painting are all about responding to what is local, local birds, local odds and sods, a few tricks and lots of healthy GenX cynicism.
I’m feeling very grateful to be here in the countryside with the people, space, time, dogs, donkeys, cats, kittens, fresh strawberries and asparagus. We’re planning a bbq tomorrow to get to know some of the local folks and I will work in the studio this afternoon. I’m trying to remember if the Argentinian Parilla is chorizo, carne and then pollo…in that order? Haha I should be more worried about what I’m going to paint on the giant canvas I ordered. But seriously, do you serve the chicken last or in the middle?