2019 – This mural project is a collaborative work done for the community of Castilblanco de los Arroyos in Spain, organized by the Airgentum residency. The “Camino de Fazcardiel” is a response to the painted mural of the VIrgin of Escardiel done by Spanish artist Antonio Blazquez.

Fazcardiel is a compound word that reflects the distinct cultural influence of the 800 year long Arab occupation of Al-Andalus. FAZ means field in Arabic and CARD is from the latin carduum or thistle, resulting in FIELD OF THISTLES. This is the root from which the name Escardiel is derived. The Virgen of Escardiel is venerated at a chapel located 5 km from Castilblanco de los Arroyos.

Fahs (en árabe campo) + card (del latin carduum) + “ellum” (diminutivo latino que en contacto con los mozárabes que habitan la zona de Castilblanco evolucionó a “iel”)= Fazcardiel hoy día ESCARDIEL cuyo significado es CAMPO DE CARDOS. Preciosos cardos florecen en los campos de Sierra Morena.